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otm8009a.h File Reference

This file contains all the constants parameters for the OTM8009A which is the LCD Driver for KoD KM-040TMP-02-0621 (WVGA) DSI LCD Display. More...

#include "otm8009a_reg.h"
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struct  OTM8009A_IO_t
struct  OTM8009A_LCD_Ctx_t
struct  OTM8009A_LCD_Drv_t
struct  OTM8009A_Object_t


#define OTM8009A_480X800_FREQUENCY_DIVIDER   2 /* LCD Frequency divider */
 OTM8009A_480X800 frequency divider. More...
#define OTM8009A_480X800_HBP   ((uint16_t)34) /* Horizontal back porch */
#define OTM8009A_480X800_HEIGHT   ((uint16_t)800) /* LCD PIXEL HEIGHT */
#define OTM8009A_480X800_HFP   ((uint16_t)34) /* Horizontal front porch */
#define OTM8009A_480X800_HSYNC   ((uint16_t)2) /* Horizontal synchronization */
 OTM8009A_480X800 Timing parameters for Portrait orientation mode. More...
#define OTM8009A_480X800_VBP   ((uint16_t)15) /* Vertical back porch */
#define OTM8009A_480X800_VFP   ((uint16_t)16) /* Vertical front porch */
#define OTM8009A_480X800_VSYNC   ((uint16_t)1) /* Vertical synchronization */
#define OTM8009A_480X800_WIDTH   ((uint16_t)480) /* LCD PIXEL WIDTH */
 otm8009a_480x800 Size More...
#define OTM8009A_800X480_HBP   OTM8009A_480X800_HBP /* Horizontal back porch */
#define OTM8009A_800X480_HEIGHT   ((uint16_t)480) /* LCD PIXEL HEIGHT */
#define OTM8009A_800X480_HFP   OTM8009A_480X800_HFP /* Horizontal front porch */
#define OTM8009A_800X480_HSYNC   OTM8009A_480X800_HSYNC /* Horizontal synchronization */
 OTM8009A_800X480 Timing parameters for Landscape orientation mode Same values as for Portrait mode in fact. More...
#define OTM8009A_800X480_VBP   OTM8009A_480X800_VBP /* Vertical back porch */
#define OTM8009A_800X480_VFP   OTM8009A_480X800_VFP /* Vertical front porch */
#define OTM8009A_800X480_VSYNC   OTM8009A_480X800_VSYNC /* Vertical synchronization */
#define OTM8009A_800X480_WIDTH   ((uint16_t)800) /* LCD PIXEL WIDTH */
#define OTM8009A_ERROR   (-1)
#define OTM8009A_FORMAT_RBG565   ((uint32_t)0x02) /* Pixel format chosen is RGB565 : 16 bpp */
#define OTM8009A_FORMAT_RGB888   ((uint32_t)0x00) /* Pixel format chosen is RGB888 : 24 bpp */
 Possible values of pixel data format (ie color coding) transmitted on DSI Data lane in DSI packets. More...
#define OTM8009A_ID   0x40U
#define OTM8009A_OK   (0)
#define OTM8009A_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE   1U /* Landscape orientation choice of LCD screen */
#define OTM8009A_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT   0U /* Portrait orientation choice of LCD screen */


typedef int32_t(* OTM8009A_Delay_Func) (uint32_t)
typedef int32_t(* OTM8009A_GetTick_Func) (void)
typedef int32_t(* OTM8009A_ReadReg_Func) (uint16_t, uint16_t, uint8_t *, uint16_t)
typedef int32_t(* OTM8009A_WriteReg_Func) (uint16_t, uint16_t, uint8_t *, uint16_t)


int32_t OTM8009A_DeInit (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj)
 De-Initializes the component. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_DisplayOff (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj)
 Set the display Off. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_DisplayOn (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj)
 Set the display On. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_DrawBitmap (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos, uint8_t *pBmp)
 Draw Bitmap image. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_DrawHLine (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos, uint32_t Length, uint32_t Color)
 Draw Horizontal Line. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_DrawVLine (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos, uint32_t Length, uint32_t Color)
 Draw Vertical line. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_FillRect (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height, uint32_t Color)
 Fill rectangle. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_FillRGBRect (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height)
int32_t OTM8009A_GetBrightness (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t *Brightness)
 Get the display brightness. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_GetOrientation (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t *Orientation)
 Set the display Orientation. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_GetPixel (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos, uint32_t *Color)
 Get pixel color. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_GetXSize (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t *Xsize)
 Set the display Width. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_GetYSize (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t *Ysize)
 Set the display Height. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_Init (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t ColorCoding, uint32_t Orientation)
 Initializes the LCD KoD display part by communication in DSI mode in Video Mode with IC Display Driver OTM8009A (see IC Driver specification for more information). More...
int32_t OTM8009A_ReadID (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t *Id)
 Read the component ID. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_RegisterBusIO (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, OTM8009A_IO_t *pIO)
 Register component IO bus. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_SetBrightness (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Brightness)
 Set the display brightness. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_SetCursor (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos)
 Set the display cursor. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_SetOrientation (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Orientation)
 Set the display Orientation. More...
int32_t OTM8009A_SetPixel (OTM8009A_Object_t *pObj, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos, uint32_t Color)
 Set pixel color. More...


OTM8009A_LCD_Drv_t OTM8009A_LCD_Driver

Detailed Description

This file contains all the constants parameters for the OTM8009A which is the LCD Driver for KoD KM-040TMP-02-0621 (WVGA) DSI LCD Display.

MCD Application Team

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Definition in file otm8009a.h.

autogenerated on Fri Apr 1 2022 02:15:00