File: moveit_msgs/Pickup.action
Action Definition
# An action for picking up an object
# The name of the object to pick up (as known in the planning scene)
string target_name
# which group should be used to plan for pickup
string group_name
# which end-effector to be used for pickup (ideally descending from the group above)
string end_effector
# a list of possible grasps to be used. At least one grasp must be filled in
Grasp[] possible_grasps
# the name that the support surface (e.g. table) has in the collision map
# can be left empty if no name is available
string support_surface_name
# whether collisions between the gripper and the support surface should be acceptable
# during move from pre-grasp to grasp and during lift. Collisions when moving to the
# pre-grasp location are still not allowed even if this is set to true.
bool allow_gripper_support_collision
# The names of the links the object to be attached is allowed to touch;
# If this is left empty, it defaults to the links in the used end-effector
string[] attached_object_touch_links
# Optionally notify the pick action that it should approach the object further,
# as much as possible (this minimizing the distance to the object before the grasp)
# along the approach direction; Note: this option changes the grasping poses
# supplied in possible_grasps[] such that they are closer to the object when possible.
bool minimize_object_distance
# Optional constraints to be imposed on every point in the motion plan
Constraints path_constraints
# The name of the motion planner to use. If no name is specified,
# a default motion planner will be used
string planner_id
# an optional list of obstacles that we have semantic information about
# and that can be touched/pushed/moved in the course of grasping
string[] allowed_touch_objects
# The maximum amount of time the motion planner is allowed to plan for
float64 allowed_planning_time
# Planning options
PlanningOptions planning_options
# The overall result of the pickup attempt
MoveItErrorCodes error_code
# The full starting state of the robot at the start of the trajectory
RobotState trajectory_start
# The trajectory that moved group produced for execution
RobotTrajectory[] trajectory_stages
string[] trajectory_descriptions
# The performed grasp, if attempt was successful
Grasp grasp
# The amount of time in seconds it took to complete the plan
float64 planning_time
# The internal state that the pickup action currently is in
string state