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command-bind.h File Reference
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include "dynamic-graph/command.h"
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struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandReturnType0< E, ReturnType >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandReturnType1< E, ReturnType, T >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandReturnType2< E, ReturnType, T1, T2 >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVerbose< E >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid0< E >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid1< E, T >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid2< E, T1, T2 >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid3< E, T1, T2, T3 >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid4< E, T1, T2, T3, T4 >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid5< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid6< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid7< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 >
struct  dynamicgraph::command::CommandVoid8< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 >




template<typename ReturnType >
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandReturnType0 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &)
template<typename ReturnType >
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandReturnType1 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type)
template<typename ReturnType >
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandReturnType2 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVerbose (const std::string &doc)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid0 (const std::string &doc)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid1 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid2 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid3 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2, const std::string &type3)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid4 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2, const std::string &type3, const std::string &type4)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid5 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2, const std::string &type3, const std::string &type4, const std::string &type5)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid6 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2, const std::string &type3, const std::string &type4, const std::string &type5, const std::string &type6)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid7 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2, const std::string &type3, const std::string &type4, const std::string &type5, const std::string &type6, const std::string &type7)
std::string dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid8 (const std::string &doc, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2, const std::string &type3, const std::string &type4, const std::string &type5, const std::string &type6, const std::string &type7, const std::string &type8)
template<class E , class ReturnType >
CommandReturnType0< E, ReturnType > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType0 (E &entity, boost::function< ReturnType(E *)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , class ReturnType >
CommandReturnType0< E, ReturnType > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType0 (E &entity, boost::function< ReturnType(void)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , class ReturnType >
CommandReturnType0< E, ReturnType > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType0 (E &entity, ReturnType(E::*function)(void), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename ReturnType , typename T >
CommandReturnType1< E, ReturnType, T > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType1 (E &entity, boost::function< ReturnType(const T &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename ReturnType , typename T >
CommandReturnType1< E, ReturnType, T > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType1 (E &entity, boost::function< ReturnType(E *, const T &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename ReturnType , typename T >
CommandReturnType1< E, ReturnType, T > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType1 (E &entity, ReturnType(E::*function)(const T &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename ReturnType , typename T1 , typename T2 >
CommandReturnType2< E, ReturnType, T1, T2 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType2 (E &entity, boost::function< ReturnType(const T1 &, const T2 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename ReturnType , typename T1 , typename T2 >
CommandReturnType2< E, ReturnType, T1, T2 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType2 (E &entity, boost::function< ReturnType(E *, const T1 &, const T2 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename ReturnType , typename T1 , typename T2 >
CommandReturnType2< E, ReturnType, T1, T2 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandReturnType2 (E &entity, ReturnType(E::*function)(const T1 &, const T2 &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E >
CommandVerbose< E > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVerbose (E &entity, typename CommandVerbose< E >::function_t function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E >
CommandVerbose< E > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVerbose (E &entity, void(E::*function)(std::ostream &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E >
CommandVoid0< E > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid0 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E >
CommandVoid0< E > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid0 (E &entity, boost::function< void(void)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E >
CommandVoid0< E > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid0 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(void), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T >
CommandVoid1< E, T > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid1 (E &entity, boost::function< void(const T &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T >
CommandVoid1< E, T > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid1 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *, const T &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T >
CommandVoid1< E, T > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid1 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(const T &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 >
CommandVoid2< E, T1, T2 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid2 (E &entity, boost::function< void(const T1 &, const T2 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 >
CommandVoid2< E, T1, T2 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid2 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *, const T1 &, const T2 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 >
CommandVoid2< E, T1, T2 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid2 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(const T1 &, const T2 &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
CommandVoid3< E, T1, T2, T3 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid3 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
CommandVoid3< E, T1, T2, T3 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid3 (E &entity, typename CommandVoid3< E, T1, T2, T3 >::function_t function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
CommandVoid3< E, T1, T2, T3 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid3 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
CommandVoid4< E, T1, T2, T3, T4 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid4 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
CommandVoid4< E, T1, T2, T3, T4 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid4 (E &entity, typename CommandVoid4< E, T1, T2, T3, T4 >::function_t function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
CommandVoid4< E, T1, T2, T3, T4 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid4 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
CommandVoid5< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid5 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &, const T5 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
CommandVoid5< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid5 (E &entity, typename CommandVoid5< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >::function_t function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
CommandVoid5< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid5 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &, const T5 &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
CommandVoid6< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid6 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &, const T5 &, const T6 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
CommandVoid6< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid6 (E &entity, typename CommandVoid6< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >::function_t function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
CommandVoid6< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid6 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &, const T5 &, const T6 &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 >
CommandVoid7< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid7 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &, const T5 &, const T6 &, const T7 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 >
CommandVoid7< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid7 (E &entity, typename CommandVoid7< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 >::function_t function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 >
CommandVoid7< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid7 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &, const T5 &, const T6 &, const T7 &), const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 >
CommandVoid8< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid8 (E &entity, boost::function< void(E *, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &, const T5 &, const T6 &, const T7 &, const T8 &)> function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 >
CommandVoid8< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid8 (E &entity, typename CommandVoid8< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 >::function_t function, const std::string &docString)
template<class E , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 >
CommandVoid8< E, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > * dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid8 (E &entity, void(E::*function)(const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, const T4 &, const T5 &, const T6 &, const T7 &, const T8 &), const std::string &docString)

Author(s): Nicolas Mansard, Olivier Stasse
autogenerated on Thu Jun 13 2024 02:26:22