Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Ctf2::BufferCore [external]
 Ctf2_ros::BufferInterface [external]
 Cros::CallbackInterface [external]
 Cclass_loader::ClassLoader [external]
 Ccras::DefaultParamServerType< ResultType >Default ParamServerType for the given ResultType
 Ccras::DefaultToParamFn< ParamServerType >Default function for converting XmlRpcValue to an intermediate value of type ParamServerType
 Ccras::DefaultToResultFn< ResultType, ParamServerType >Default function for converting param server types to result types
 Ccras::DiagnosedPubSub< Message, Enable >Base for ROS publisher and subscriber with automatic message rate and delay diagnostics
 Ccras::DiagnosedPubSub< Message >
 Cdiagnostic_updater::DiagnosticTask [external]
 Cdiagnostic_updater::DiagnosticTaskVector [external]
 Ccras::DurationStatusParamParameters of DurationStatus diagnostic task
 Ccras::DurationType< T, >
 Ccras::DurationType< ros::SteadyTime >
 Ccras::DurationType< ros::Time >
 Ccras::DurationType< ros::WallTime >
 Cfilters::FilterBase< F > [external]
 Cfilters::FilterChain< F > [external]
 Ccras::FilterChainDiagnostics< F >Diagnostics of performance of a filter chain
 Ccras::FilterGetParamAdapter< F >
 Ccras::FilterLogHelper< F >
 Cdiagnostic_updater::FrequencyStatusParam [external]
 Ccras::GetParamAdapterAn adapter that allows getting ROS parameters from various sources
 Ccras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType >Options specifying behavior of getParam() calls
 Ccras::GetParamResult< T >Wrapper for the result of a getParam() call. It is designed to autoconvert to the result type sometimes
 Ccras::GetParamResultInfoDetailed information about the executed getParam() call
 Ccras::HasLoggerConvenience base class for providing this->log and getCrasLogger(). Just add it as a base to your class and all CRAS_* logging macros should work with the logger from this class
 Ccras::InterruptibleSleepInterfaceInterface to an object whose sleep() calls can be interrupted externally. Multiple sleep() calls can be happening at a time. The object waits for the last sleep() call to finish on destruction. No more sleep() calls can be made once destruction of the object started (sleep() will return false in such case). Make sure that ok() returns false when this object is about to be destroyed
 Ccras::LoaderROSROS interface for loading/unloading nodelets (internally using nodelet::Loader to do the work)
 Ccras::LogHelperThis class (reps. its descendants) provides unified access to ROS logging functions, be it ROS_* or NODELET_*
 Ctf2_ros::MessageFilterBase [external]
 Ccras::TfMessageFilter< M, >::MessageInfo
 Cros::NodeHandle [external]
 Cnodelet::Nodelet [external]
 Ccras::NodeletManagerNodelet manager with customizable instance creation mechanism
 Ccras::NodeletWithSharedTfBufferInterfacePublic non-template API of NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer. Dynamic_cast a nodelet to this type if you need to access this API publicly
 Ccras::ParamToStringFn< T >Default function for converting values to string in getParam(Verbose) functions. Uses cras::to_string()
 Ccras::RateLimiterGeneric rate-limiter interface
 Ccras::ResettableInterface for resettable nodes and nodelets
 Ccras::ReverseSemaphoreA reverse counting semaphore which can wait until its count is zero. Each acquire() increases this count and each release() decreases it. waitZero() is the function that waits until the internal count is zero. The semaphore can be disabled, which means no new acquire() calls will be accepted. This is useful if you plan to quit
 Ccras::RunningStats< T >Computation of running average and variance using Welford's algorithm
 Ccras::RunningStats< ros::Duration >
 Ccras::SemaphoreGuard< T >RAII guard for operations with a semaphore. On creation, the semaphore is acquired, and on destruction, it is released
 Ccras::SimpleDurationStatusParamHelper struct for easy brace-initialization of DurationStatusParam objects. On supported compilers, you can also use designated braced initialization, i.e. param = {.maxDuration = {10,0}}. Supported is e.g. GCC 8+ in any mode or any compiler in C++20 mode
 Cmessage_filters::SimpleFilter< M > [external]
 Ccras::SimpleTopicStatusParamNoHeaderHelper struct for easy brace-initialization of TopicStatusParam objects. On supported compilers, you can also use designated braced initialization, i.e. param = {.maxRate = 10}. Supported is e.g. GCC 8+ in any mode or any compiler in C++20 mode
 Ccras::SimpleTopicStatusParamWithHeaderHelper struct for easy brace-initialization of TopicStatusParam objects. On supported compilers, you can also use designated braced initialization, i.e. param = {.maxRate = 10}. Supported is e.g. GCC 8+ in any mode or any compiler in C++20 mode
 Ccras::SmallMap< K, V >Simple map implemented on top of a std::list<std::pair>. The map is append-only, with lock-free reads and mutex-protected insert
 Ccras::SmallSet< K >Simple set implemented on top of a std::list. The set is append-only, with lock-free reads and mutex-protected insert
 Ccras::TempLocaleHelper class for temporarily setting locale in a RAII manner
 Cdiagnostic_updater::TimeStampStatusParam [external]
 Ccras::TopicStatusParamsUtility class with various predefined topic diagnostic parameters
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T, class >Type traits for XmlRpcValue
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< bool >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< char * >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< char >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< const char * >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< double >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< float >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< int >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< long >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< long double >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< long long >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< short >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< signed char >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< typename ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::BinaryData >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned char >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned int >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned long >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned long long >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned short >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::array< T, N >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::list< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::map<::std::string, T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::set< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::string >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::unordered_map<::std::string, T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::unordered_set< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::std::vector< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type >
 Ccras::XmlRpcValueTraits<::tm >

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2025 03:50:33