▼Nactionlib | |
▼Naction_client | |
CActionClient | |
CClientGoalHandle | Client side handle to monitor goal progress |
CCommState | |
CCommStateMachine | |
CGoalManager | |
CTerminalState | |
▼Naction_server | |
CActionServer | The ActionServer is a helpful tool for managing goal requests to a node. It allows the user to specify callbacks that are invoked when goal or cancel requests come over the wire, and passes back GoalHandles that can be used to track the state of a given goal request. The ActionServer makes no assumptions about the policy used to service these goals, and sends status for each goal over the wire until the last GoalHandle associated with a goal request is destroyed |
▼Nexceptions | |
CActionException | |
▼Ngoal_id_generator | |
CGoalIDGenerator | |
▼Nhandle_tracker_deleter | |
CHandleTrackerDeleter | |
▼Nserver_goal_handle | |
CServerGoalHandle | |
▼Nsimple_action_client | |
CSimpleActionClient | |
CSimpleGoalState | |
▼Nsimple_action_server | |
CSimpleActionServer | The SimpleActionServer implements a singe goal policy on top of the ActionServer class. The specification of the policy is as follows: only one goal can have an active status at a time, new goals preempt previous goals based on the stamp in their GoalID field (later goals preempt earlier ones), an explicit preempt goal preempts all goals with timestamps that are less than or equal to the stamp associated with the preempt, accepting a new goal implies successful preemption of any old goal and the status of the old goal will be change automatically to reflect this |
▼Nstatus_tracker | |
CStatusTracker | |
CActionClient | Full interface to an ActionServer |
CActionServer | The ActionServer is a helpful tool for managing goal requests to a node. It allows the user to specify callbacks that are invoked when goal or cancel requests come over the wire, and passes back GoalHandles that can be used to track the state of a given goal request. The ActionServer makes no assumptions about the policy used to service these goals, and sends status for each goal over the wire until the last GoalHandle associated with a goal request is destroyed |
CActionServerBase | The ActionServerBase implements the logic for an ActionServer |
CClientGoalHandle | Client side handle to monitor goal progress |
CCommState | Thin wrapper around an enum in order to help interpret the state of the communication state machine |
CCommStateMachine | |
CConnectionMonitor | |
▼CDestructionGuard | This class protects an object from being destructed until all users of that object relinquish control of it |
CScopedProtector | Protects a DestructionGuard until this object goes out of scope |
CEnclosureDeleter | |
CGoalIDGenerator | |
CGoalManager | |
CHandleTrackerDeleter | A class to help with tracking GoalHandles and removing goals from the status list when the last GoalHandle associated with a given goal is deleted |
▼CManagedList | Wrapper around an STL list to help with reference counting Provides handles elements in an STL list. When all the handles go out of scope, the element in the list is destroyed |
CElemDeleter | |
CHandle | |
Citerator | |
CTrackedElem | |
CRefServer | |
CServerGoalHandle | Encapsulates a state machine for a given goal that the user can trigger transitions on. All ROS interfaces for the goal are managed by the ActionServer to lessen the burden on the user |
CServerGoalHandleDestructionTester | |
CServiceClient | |
CServiceClientImp | |
CServiceClientImpT | |
CServiceServer | |
CServiceServerImp | |
CServiceServerImpT | |
CSimpleActionClient | A Simple client implementation of the ActionInterface which supports only one goal at a time |
CSimpleActionServer | |
CSimpleClientGoalState | |
CSimpleExecuteRefServer | |
CSimpleGoalState | Thin wrapper around an enum in order providing a simplified version of the communication state, but with less states than CommState |
CStatusTracker | A class for storing the status of each goal the action server is currently working on |
CTerminalState | |
▼Nexercise_simple_client | |
CSimpleExerciser | |
▼Nmock_simple_server | |
CRefSimpleServer | |
▼Nref_server | |
CRefServer | |
▼Nref_simple_server | |
CRefSimpleServer | |
▼Nsimple_action_server_deadlock_companion | |
CConstants | |
CDeadlockCompanion | |
▼Nsimple_python_client_test | |
CTestSimpleActionClient | |
▼Ntest_imports | |
CTestImports | |
▼Ntest_ref_action_server | |
CTestRefSimpleActionServer | |
▼Ntest_ref_simple_action_server | |
CTestRefSimpleActionServer | |
▼Ntest_server_components | |
CTestGoalIDGenerator | |
▼Ntest_simple_action_server_deadlock | |
CConstants | |
CDeadlockTest | |
COneShotTimer | Horrible hack until ROS Supports this (ROS Trac #1387) |
CSimpleClientFixture | |
CTestRunner | |