00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 ################################################################# 00003 ##\file 00004 # 00005 # \note 00006 # Copyright (c) 2012 \n 00007 # University of Bedfordshire \n\n 00008 # 00009 ################################################################# 00010 # 00011 # \note 00012 # Project name: care-o-bot 00013 # \note 00014 # ROS stack name: srs_public 00015 # \note 00016 # ROS package name: srs_symbolic_grounding 00017 # 00018 # \author 00019 # Author: Beisheng Liu, email:beisheng.liu@beds.ac.uk 00020 # \author 00021 # Supervised by: Dayou Li, email:dayou.li@beds.ac.uk 00022 # 00023 # \date Date of creation: Mar 2012 00024 # 00025 # \brief 00026 # Grounding scan object surface commands 00027 # 00028 ################################################################# 00029 # 00030 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00031 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 00032 # 00033 # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00034 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \n 00035 # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 00036 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 00037 # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \n 00038 # - Neither the name of the University of Bedfordshire nor the names of its 00039 # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 00040 # this software without specific prior written permission. \n 00041 # 00042 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 00043 # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL as 00044 # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 00045 # License, or (at your option) any later version. 00046 # 00047 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00048 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00049 # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00050 # GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL for more details. 00051 # 00052 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 00053 # License LGPL along with this program. 00054 # If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 00055 # 00056 ################################################################# 00057 00058 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('srs_symbolic_grounding') 00059 from srs_symbolic_grounding.srv import * 00060 #from srs_symbolic_grounding.msg import * 00061 from std_msgs.msg import * 00062 from geometry_msgs.msg import * 00063 from nav_msgs.msg import * 00064 from nav_msgs.srv import * 00065 #from srs_knowledge.msg import * 00066 import rospy 00067 import math 00068 import tf 00069 from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion 00070 00071 00072 def getWorkspaceOnMap(): 00073 print 'test get all workspace (furnitures basically here) from map' 00074 try: 00075 requestNewTask = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_workspace_on_map', GetWorkspaceOnMap) 00076 res = requestNewTask('ipa-kitchen-map', True) 00077 return res 00078 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00079 print "Service call failed: %s"%e 00080 00081 00082 def getMapClient(): #read map from navigation service 00083 00084 try: 00085 reqMap = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap) 00086 res = reqMap() 00087 return res 00088 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00089 print "Service call failed: %s"%e 00090 00091 00092 00093 def obstacleCheck(sbpl, fgl): 00094 obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list = list() #used to save obstacle checked poses 00095 wall_checked_scan_base_pose_list = list() #used to save wall checked poses 00096 all_checked_scan_base_pose_list = list() 00097 scan_base_pose_list = sbpl #read inputs 00098 furniture_geometry_list = fgl 00099 00100 #obstacle check 00101 dist_to_obstacles = 0.5 #set the minimum distance to the household furnitures 00102 #rospy.loginfo(math.atan(-0.5)) 00103 #check all of the poses from the scan pose list with all the household furnitures to find a obstacle free scan pose list. the poses will be stored in obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list. 00104 index_1 = 0 00105 while index_1 < len(scan_base_pose_list): 00106 index_2 = 0 00107 while index_2 < len(furniture_geometry_list): 00108 th = math.atan((scan_base_pose_list[index_1].y - furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.y) / (scan_base_pose_list[index_1].x - furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.x)) 00109 if scan_base_pose_list[index_1].x < furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.x and scan_base_pose_list[index_1].y > furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.y: 00110 th = math.pi + th 00111 if scan_base_pose_list[index_1].x < furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.x and scan_base_pose_list[index_1].y < furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.y: 00112 th = -math.pi + th 00113 delta_x = math.sqrt((scan_base_pose_list[index_1].x - furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.x) ** 2 + (scan_base_pose_list[index_1].y - furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.y) ** 2) * math.cos(th - furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.theta) 00114 delta_y = math.sqrt((scan_base_pose_list[index_1].x - furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.x) ** 2 + (scan_base_pose_list[index_1].y - furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.y) ** 2) * math.sin(th - furniture_geometry_list[index_2].pose.theta) 00115 if (delta_x <= -(furniture_geometry_list[index_2].w / 2.0 + dist_to_obstacles) or delta_x >= (furniture_geometry_list[index_2].w / 2.0 + dist_to_obstacles)) or (delta_y <= -(furniture_geometry_list[index_2].l / 2.0 + dist_to_obstacles) or delta_y >= (furniture_geometry_list[index_2].l / 2.0 + dist_to_obstacles)): 00116 index_2 += 1 00117 else: 00118 break 00119 if index_2 == len(furniture_geometry_list): 00120 obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list.append(scan_base_pose_list[index_1]) 00121 index_1 += 1 00122 #rospy.loginfo(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list) 00123 00124 if obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list: #check if there is a obstacle free pose in the list. 00125 00126 #wall check 00127 data = getMapClient() #get occupancy grid map from the navigation serves 00128 00129 00130 dist_to_walls = 0.5 #set the minimum distance to the walls 00131 threshold = 10.0 #set the threshold to decide if a pose is occupaied. >threshold:occupied. 00132 step_angle = 5.0 #set the step angle for putting points around the robot for the wall check (360 / step_angle points will be used) 00133 00134 #check all of the poses from the obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list with the occupancy map to find a wall free scan pose list 00135 index_3 = 0 00136 while index_3 < len(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list): 00137 map_index_list = list() 00138 n = 0 00139 while n < int(360.0 / step_angle): 00140 wall_check_point_x = obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list[index_3].x + dist_to_walls * math.cos(n * step_angle / 180.0 * math.pi) 00141 wall_check_point_y = obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list[index_3].y + dist_to_walls * math.sin(n * step_angle / 180.0 * math.pi) 00142 00143 #rospy.loginfo([wall_check_point_x, wall_check_point_y]) 00144 00145 map_index = int((wall_check_point_y - data.map.info.origin.position.y) / data.map.info.resolution) * data.map.info.width + int((wall_check_point_x - data.map.info.origin.position.x) / data.map.info.resolution) 00146 map_index_list.append(map_index) 00147 n += 1 00148 00149 map_index = int((obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list[index_3].y - data.map.info.origin.position.y) / data.map.info.resolution) * data.map.info.width + int((obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list[index_3].x - data.map.info.origin.position.x) / data.map.info.resolution) 00150 map_index_list.append(map_index) 00151 #rospy.loginfo(map_index_list) 00152 00153 index_4 = 0 00154 while index_4 < len(map_index_list): 00155 #rospy.loginfo(data.map.data[map_index_list[index_4]]) 00156 if -1 < data.map.data[map_index_list[index_4]] < threshold: 00157 index_4 += 1 00158 else: 00159 break 00160 if index_4 == len(map_index_list): 00161 wall_checked_scan_base_pose_list.append(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list[index_3]) 00162 index_3 += 1 00163 00164 return wall_checked_scan_base_pose_list 00165 #rospy.loginfo(wall_checked_scan_base_pose_list) 00166 00167 00168 00169 #calculate scan base poses 00170 def handle_scan_base_pose(req): 00171 00172 00173 00174 00175 00176 00177 #get furniture information from knowledge base 00178 workspace_info = getWorkspaceOnMap() 00179 furniture_geometry_list = list() 00180 furniture_geometry_list = workspace_info.objectsInfo 00181 00182 00183 #transfrom list 00184 index = 0 00185 furniture_geometry_list = list() 00186 while index < len(furniture_geometry_list): 00187 furniture_geometry = FurnitureGeometry() 00188 furniture_geometry.pose.x = furniture_geometry_list[index].pose.position.x 00189 furniture_geometry.pose.y = furniture_geometry_list[index].pose.position.y 00190 furniture_pose_rpy = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([furniture_geometry_list[index].pose.orientation.x, furniture_geometry_list[index].pose.orientation.y, furniture_geometry_list[index].pose.orientation.z, furniture_geometry_list[index].pose.orientation.w]) 00191 furniture_geometry.pose.theta = furniture_pose_rpy[2] 00192 furniture_geometry.l = furniture_geometry_list[index].l 00193 furniture_geometry.w = furniture_geometry_list[index].w 00194 furniture_geometry.h = furniture_geometry_list[index].h 00195 furniture_geometry_list.append(furniture_geometry) 00196 index += 1 00197 00198 00199 00200 00201 00202 #transform from knowledge base data to function useable data 00203 parent_obj_x = req.parent_obj_geometry.pose.position.x 00204 parent_obj_y = req.parent_obj_geometry.pose.position.y 00205 parent_obj_rpy = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([req.parent_obj_geometry.pose.orientation.x, req.parent_obj_geometry.pose.orientation.y, req.parent_obj_geometry.pose.orientation.z, req.parent_obj_geometry.pose.orientation.w]) 00206 parent_obj_th = parent_obj_rpy[2] 00207 parent_obj_l = req.parent_obj_geometry.l 00208 parent_obj_w = req.parent_obj_geometry.w 00209 parent_obj_h = req.parent_obj_geometry.h 00210 00211 #rpy = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([0, 0, -0.68, 0.73]) 00212 #rospy.loginfo(rpy[2]) 00213 00214 #rospy.loginfo(req.parent_obj_geometry) 00215 00216 00217 00218 00219 00220 00221 #calculate the detection width 00222 rb_distance = 0.7 #distance between the robot base and the edge of the parent obj 00223 robot_h = 1.4 #set the height of the detector 00224 detection_angle = (30.0 / 180.0) * math.pi #set the detection angle (wide) of the detector 00225 camera_distance = math.sqrt((robot_h - parent_obj_h) ** 2 + (rb_distance - 0.2) ** 2) #distance between the detector and the surface of the parent obj 00226 detection_w = 2 * (camera_distance * math.tan(0.5 * detection_angle)) #detection wide 00227 #rospy.loginfo(detection_w) 00228 00229 00230 00231 00232 00233 00234 00235 #variable structure define 00236 scan_base_pose_1 = Pose2D() 00237 scan_base_pose_2 = Pose2D() 00238 scan_base_pose_3 = Pose2D() 00239 scan_base_pose_4 = Pose2D() 00240 00241 #create lists to store scan base poses 00242 scan_base_pose_list_1 = list() 00243 scan_base_pose_list_2 = list() 00244 scan_base_pose_list_3 = list() 00245 scan_base_pose_list_4 = list() 00246 00247 #fix angle problem 00248 if parent_obj_th < 0: 00249 parent_obj_th += 2.0 * math.pi 00250 00251 elif parent_obj_th > 2.0 * math.pi: 00252 parent_obj_th -= 2.0 * math.pi 00253 #rospy.loginfo(parent_obj_th) 00254 00255 00256 #to decide which side of the table is facing the robot 00257 if ((parent_obj_th >= 0) & (parent_obj_th <= (45.0 / 180.0 * math.pi))) | ((parent_obj_th >= (135.0 / 180.0 * math.pi)) & (parent_obj_th <= (225.0 / 180.0 * math.pi))) | ((parent_obj_th >= (315.0 / 180.0 * math.pi)) & (parent_obj_th < 360)): 00258 00259 #calculate 4 lists of scan poses, each list is for scanning from one side of the table. 00260 for num in range(int((parent_obj_l / detection_w) + 0.99)): 00261 scan_base_pose_1 = Pose2D() 00262 scan_base_pose_1.x = parent_obj_x - (parent_obj_w * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) - (0.5 * parent_obj_l - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) 00263 scan_base_pose_1.y = parent_obj_y - (parent_obj_w * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) + (0.5 * parent_obj_l - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) 00264 scan_base_pose_1.theta = parent_obj_th + math.pi 00265 if scan_base_pose_1.theta > math.pi: 00266 scan_base_pose_1.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi 00267 elif scan_base_pose_1.theta < -math.pi: 00268 scan_base_pose_1.theta += 2.0 * math.pi 00269 scan_base_pose_list_1.append(scan_base_pose_1) 00270 00271 #rospy.loginfo(scan_base_pose_list_1) 00272 00273 00274 for num in range(int((parent_obj_l / detection_w) + 0.99)): 00275 scan_base_pose_2 = Pose2D() 00276 scan_base_pose_2.x = parent_obj_x + (parent_obj_w * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) + (0.5 * parent_obj_l - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) 00277 scan_base_pose_2.y = parent_obj_y + (parent_obj_w * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) - (0.5 * parent_obj_l - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) 00278 scan_base_pose_2.theta = parent_obj_th 00279 if scan_base_pose_2.theta > math.pi: 00280 scan_base_pose_2.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi 00281 elif scan_base_pose_2.theta < -math.pi: 00282 scan_base_pose_2.theta += 2.0 * math.pi 00283 scan_base_pose_list_2.append(scan_base_pose_2) 00284 00285 00286 00287 00288 for num in range(int((parent_obj_w / detection_w) + 0.99)): 00289 00290 scan_base_pose_3 = Pose2D() 00291 scan_base_pose_3.x = parent_obj_x + (parent_obj_l * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) - (0.5 * parent_obj_w - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) 00292 scan_base_pose_3.y = parent_obj_y - (parent_obj_l * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) - (0.5 * parent_obj_w - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) 00293 scan_base_pose_3.theta = parent_obj_th - 0.5 * math.pi 00294 if scan_base_pose_3.theta > math.pi: 00295 scan_base_pose_3.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi 00296 elif scan_base_pose_3.theta < -math.pi: 00297 scan_base_pose_3.theta += 2.0 * math.pi 00298 scan_base_pose_list_3.append(scan_base_pose_3) 00299 00300 00301 00302 00303 for num in range(int((parent_obj_w / detection_w) + 0.99)): 00304 scan_base_pose_4 = Pose2D() 00305 scan_base_pose_4.x = parent_obj_x - (parent_obj_l * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) + (0.5 * parent_obj_w - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) 00306 scan_base_pose_4.y = parent_obj_y + (parent_obj_l * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) + (0.5 * parent_obj_w - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) 00307 scan_base_pose_4.theta = parent_obj_th + 0.5 * math.pi 00308 if scan_base_pose_4.theta > math.pi: 00309 scan_base_pose_4.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi 00310 elif scan_base_pose_4.theta < -math.pi: 00311 scan_base_pose_4.theta += 2.0 * math.pi 00312 scan_base_pose_list_4.append(scan_base_pose_4) 00313 00314 #the short side is facing the robot 00315 else: 00316 parent_obj_th -= 0.5 * math.pi 00317 00318 for num in range(int((parent_obj_w / detection_w) + 0.99)): 00319 00320 scan_base_pose_1 = Pose2D() 00321 scan_base_pose_1.x = parent_obj_x - (parent_obj_l * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) - (0.5 * parent_obj_w - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) 00322 scan_base_pose_1.y = parent_obj_y - (parent_obj_l * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) + (0.5 * parent_obj_w - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) 00323 scan_base_pose_1.theta = parent_obj_th + math.pi 00324 if scan_base_pose_1.theta > math.pi: 00325 scan_base_pose_1.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi 00326 elif scan_base_pose_1.theta < -math.pi: 00327 scan_base_pose_1.theta += 2.0 * math.pi 00328 scan_base_pose_list_1.append(scan_base_pose_1) 00329 00330 00331 00332 00333 for num in range(int((parent_obj_w / detection_w) + 0.99)): 00334 scan_base_pose_2 = Pose2D() 00335 scan_base_pose_2.x = parent_obj_x + (parent_obj_l * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) + (0.5 * parent_obj_w - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) 00336 scan_base_pose_2.y = parent_obj_y + (parent_obj_l * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) - (0.5 * parent_obj_w - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) 00337 scan_base_pose_2.theta = parent_obj_th 00338 if scan_base_pose_2.theta > math.pi: 00339 scan_base_pose_2.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi 00340 elif scan_base_pose_2.theta < -math.pi: 00341 scan_base_pose_2.theta += 2.0 * math.pi 00342 scan_base_pose_list_2.append(scan_base_pose_2) 00343 00344 00345 00346 00347 for num in range(int((parent_obj_l / detection_w) + 0.99)): 00348 00349 scan_base_pose_3 = Pose2D() 00350 scan_base_pose_3.x = parent_obj_x + (parent_obj_w * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) - (0.5 * parent_obj_l - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) 00351 scan_base_pose_3.y = parent_obj_y - (parent_obj_w * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) - (0.5 * parent_obj_l - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) 00352 scan_base_pose_3.theta = parent_obj_th - 0.5 * math.pi 00353 if scan_base_pose_1.theta > math.pi: 00354 scan_base_pose_1.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi 00355 elif scan_base_pose_1.theta < -math.pi: 00356 scan_base_pose_1.theta += 2.0 * math.pi 00357 scan_base_pose_list_3.append(scan_base_pose_3) 00358 00359 00360 00361 00362 for num in range(int((parent_obj_l / detection_w) + 0.99)): 00363 scan_base_pose_4 = Pose2D() 00364 scan_base_pose_4.x = parent_obj_x - (parent_obj_w * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) + (0.5 * parent_obj_l - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) 00365 scan_base_pose_4.y = parent_obj_y + (parent_obj_w * 0.5 + rb_distance) * math.cos(parent_obj_th) + (0.5 * parent_obj_l - 0.5 * detection_w - num * detection_w) * math.sin(parent_obj_th) 00366 scan_base_pose_4.theta = parent_obj_th + 0.5 * math.pi 00367 if scan_base_pose_1.theta > math.pi: 00368 scan_base_pose_1.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi 00369 elif scan_base_pose_1.theta < -math.pi: 00370 scan_base_pose_1.theta += 2.0 * math.pi 00371 scan_base_pose_list_4.append(scan_base_pose_4) 00372 00373 #rospy.loginfo(scan_base_pose_list_1) 00374 #rospy.loginfo(scan_base_pose_list_2) 00375 #rospy.loginfo(scan_base_pose_list_3) 00376 #rospy.loginfo(scan_base_pose_list_4) 00377 00378 #obstacle check 00379 obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_1 = obstacleCheck(scan_base_pose_list_1, furniture_geometry_list) 00380 obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_2 = obstacleCheck(scan_base_pose_list_2, furniture_geometry_list) 00381 obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_3 = obstacleCheck(scan_base_pose_list_3, furniture_geometry_list) 00382 obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_4 = obstacleCheck(scan_base_pose_list_4, furniture_geometry_list) 00383 00384 00385 00386 #rospy.loginfo([obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_1, obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_2, obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_3, obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_4]) 00387 max_len = max(len(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_1), len(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_2), len(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_3), len(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_4)) 00388 00389 #choose the longest scan pose list 00390 if len(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_1) == max_len: 00391 scan_base_pose_list = obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_1 00392 elif len(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_2) == max_len: 00393 scan_base_pose_list = obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_2 00394 elif len(obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_3) == max_len: 00395 scan_base_pose_list = obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_3 00396 else: 00397 scan_base_pose_list = obstacle_checked_scan_base_pose_list_4 00398 00399 00400 if not scan_base_pose_list: 00401 print "no valid scan pose." 00402 if max_len == 1: 00403 th = math.atan((scan_base_pose_list[0].y - parent_obj_y) / (scan_base_pose_list[0].x - parent_obj_x)) 00404 if scan_base_pose_list[0].x < parent_obj_x and scan_base_pose_list[0].y > parent_obj_y: 00405 th = math.pi + th 00406 if scan_base_pose_list[0].x < parent_obj_x and scan_base_pose_list[0].y < parent_obj_y: 00407 th = -math.pi + th 00408 if th > math.pi: 00409 th -= 2.0 * math.pi 00410 elif th < -math.pi: 00411 th += 2.0 * math.pi 00412 scan_base_pose_list[0].theta = th 00413 00414 00415 return [scan_base_pose_list] 00416 00417 00418 00419 def scan_base_pose_server(): 00420 rospy.init_node('scan_base_pose_server') 00421 s = rospy.Service('scan_base_pose', ScanBasePose, handle_scan_base_pose) 00422 print "Ready to receive requests." 00423 rospy.spin() 00424 00425 00426 00427 if __name__ == "__main__": 00428 scan_base_pose_server() 00429 00430