00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('srs_human_sensing') 00003 import rospy 00004 import math 00005 from std_msgs.msg import String 00006 from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud 00007 from geometry_msgs.msg import Point32 00008 from cob_people_detection_msgs.msg import PeopleDetectionArray 00009 from srs_human_sensing.srv import Comp_HS_Detections 00010 import tf 00011 from std_msgs.msg import Header 00012 from srs_human_sensing.msg import * 00013 00014 00015 def callback_LD(data): 00016 rospy.loginfo("I heard from LD:") 00017 leg_detections = data.points 00018 global legs 00019 legs = [] 00020 for i in range (len(leg_detections)): 00021 legs.append(leg_detections[i]) 00022 print leg_detections[i].x,",",leg_detections[i].y 00023 00024 match_detections() 00025 00026 00027 def callback_FD(data): 00028 rospy.loginfo("I heard from FD:") 00029 face_detections = data.detections 00030 00031 00032 global faces 00033 faces = [] 00034 00035 for i in range (len(face_detections)): 00036 00037 00038 00039 try: 00040 00041 detection1 = tflistener.transformPose('map', face_detections[i].pose) 00042 newpoint = Point32(detection1.pose.position.x,detection1.pose.position.y,detection1.pose.position.z) 00043 faces.append(newpoint) 00044 00045 except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): 00046 print "tf transform error" 00047 00048 match_detections () 00049 00050 def match_detections (): 00051 distances = [] 00052 global legs 00053 global faces 00054 global pub 00055 00056 pc = PointCloud() 00057 pc.header = Header(0,rospy.get_rostime(),'/map') 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 for m in range (len(faces)): 00064 pc.points.append(Point32(faces[m].x,faces[m].y,1.5)) 00065 00066 for l in range (len(legs)): 00067 pc.points.append(Point32(legs[l].x,legs[l].y,1.0)) 00068 distancecol = [] 00069 for m in range (len(faces)): 00070 00071 # measure the distance between the detections and store them 00072 dist = (sqrt((faces[m].x-legs[l].x)**2+(faces[m].y-legs[l].y)**2)) 00073 distancecol.append (dist) 00074 00075 distances.append (distancecol) 00076 00077 print "distances" 00078 print distances 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 00084 00085 pub.publish (pc) 00086 00087 def handle_compare_hs_detections (req): 00088 dh=detect_human() 00089 dha=detect_human_array() 00090 00091 dh.pose.x=1 00092 dh.pose.y=2 00093 dh.probability=80 00094 dha.detect_human.append(dh) 00095 return dha 00096 00097 def listener(): 00098 00099 rospy.Subscriber("leg_detections_cloud", PointCloud , callback_LD) 00100 rospy.Subscriber("/cob_people_detection/face_position_array", PeopleDetectionArray , callback_FD) 00101 rospy.spin() 00102 00103 if __name__ == '__main__': 00104 print "Listening ..." 00105 00106 00107 rospy.init_node('SRS_HS_listener', anonymous=True) 00108 legs = [] 00109 faces = [] 00110 tflistener = tf.TransformListener() 00111 tflistener.waitForTransform("/head_cam3d_link", "/map", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(5.0)) 00112 pub = rospy.Publisher('people_detections_cloud', PointCloud) 00113 serv = rospy.Service ('compare_hs_detections',Comp_HS_Detections,handle_compare_hs_detections) 00114 00115 listener()