ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T >, including all inherited members.
add(const _T &data)ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
add(const std::vector< _T > &data)ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
clear(void)ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
DataDist typedefompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
degree_ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
DistanceFunction typedefompl::NearestNeighbors< _T >
distFun_ompl::NearestNeighbors< _T > [protected]
getDistanceFunction(void) const ompl::NearestNeighbors< _T > [inline]
GNAT typedefompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
list(std::vector< _T > &data) const ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
maxDegree_ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
maxNumPtsPerLeaf_ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
minDegree_ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
nearest(const _T &data) const ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
nearestK(const _T &data, std::size_t k, std::vector< _T > &nbh) const ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
nearestKInternal(const _T &data, std::size_t k, NearQueue &nbhQueue) const ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, protected]
NearestNeighbors(void)ompl::NearestNeighbors< _T > [inline]
NearestNeighborsGNAT(unsigned int degree=4, unsigned int minDegree=2, unsigned int maxDegree=6, unsigned int maxNumPtsPerLeaf=50, unsigned int removedCacheSize=50)ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline]
nearestR(const _T &data, double radius, std::vector< _T > &nbh) const ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
nearestRInternal(const _T &data, double radius, NearQueue &nbhQueue) const ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, protected]
NearQueue typedefompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
NodeDist typedefompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
NodeQueue typedefompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > &gnat)ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [friend]
pivotSelector_ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
postprocessNearest(NearQueue &nbhQueue, std::vector< _T > &nbh, unsigned int k=std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max()) const ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, protected]
rebuildDataStructure()ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline]
remove(const _T &data)ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
removed_ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
setDistanceFunction(const typename NearestNeighbors< _T >::DistanceFunction &distFun)ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
ompl::NearestNeighbors::setDistanceFunction(const DistanceFunction &distFun)ompl::NearestNeighbors< _T > [inline, virtual]
size(void) const ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
size_ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
tree_ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [protected]
~NearestNeighbors(void)ompl::NearestNeighbors< _T > [inline, virtual]
~NearestNeighborsGNAT(void)ompl::NearestNeighborsGNAT< _T > [inline, virtual]
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Author(s): Ioan Sucan/, Mark Moll/, Lydia Kavraki/
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 11:37:45 2013