These are modules which can be included by cmake in the regular way with a macro/function api to call upon (think regular c-style library).
One nice feature of this is that you don't waste time processing macros you don't use (unlike a usual cmake module).
If using the ecl to build an ros package:
# Include the macro libraries you wish to use...e.g. rosbuild_include(ecl_build ecl_build_utilities) rosbuild_include(ecl_build ecl_platform_detection) rosbuild_include(ecl_build ecl_ros_utilities) # Call the macros ecl_detect_platform() # a general purpose platform sniffer ecl_ros_get_dependency_list() # get the dependency list for this project # Finally use some of the variables it sets (this one the dependency message(STATUS "Dependencies: ${${PROJECT_NAME}_DEPENDENCIES}")
Pkg-config can be used to find the macro libraries when you have a regular system install of the ecl. An example:
find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(ECL_CMAKE ecl_cmake) # Stores the path to the ecl cmake dir in ECL_CMAKE_PREFIX set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECL_CMAKE_PREFIX}/modules) # Location of the ecl cmake modules # Include the macro libraries you wish to use...e.g. include(ecl_build_utilities) include(ecl_platform_detection) include(ecl_ros_utilities) # Call the macros ecl_detect_platform() # a general purpose platform sniffer
See the sources (.cmake files) for more detailed usage notes and examples.
File: ecl_platform_detection.cmake
File: ecl_build_utilities.cmake
File: ecl_ros_utilities.cmake