00001 #!/usr/bin/python 00002 00003 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('clearpath_teleop') 00004 import rospy 00005 00006 from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy 00007 from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist 00008 from std_msgs.msg import String 00009 00010 00011 class Teleop: 00012 def __init__(self): 00013 rospy.init_node('clearpath_teleop') 00014 00015 self.turn_scale = rospy.get_param('~turn_scale') 00016 self.drive_scale = rospy.get_param('~drive_scale') 00017 self.deadman_button = rospy.get_param('~deadman_button', 0) 00018 self.planner_button = rospy.get_param('~planner_button', 1) 00019 00020 self.cmd = None 00021 self.joy = Joy() 00022 cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) 00023 00024 announce_pub = rospy.Publisher('/clearpath/announce/teleops', 00025 String, latch=True) 00026 announce_pub.publish(rospy.get_namespace()); 00027 00028 rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, self.callback) 00029 rospy.Subscriber("plan_cmd_vel", Twist, self.planned_callback) 00030 self.planned_motion = Twist() 00031 00032 rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('~hz', 20)) 00033 00034 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): 00035 rate.sleep() 00036 if self.cmd: 00037 cmd_pub.publish(self.cmd) 00038 00039 def planned_callback(self, data): 00040 """ Handle incoming Twist command from a planner. 00041 Manually update motion planned output if the buttons 00042 are in the right state """ 00043 self.planned_motion = data 00044 if self.joy.buttons[self.deadman_button] == 0 and\ 00045 self.joy.buttons[self.planner_button] == 1: 00046 self.cmd = self.planned_motion 00047 00048 def callback(self, data): 00049 """ Receive joystick data, formulate Twist message. 00050 Use planner if a secondary button is pressed """ 00051 self.joy = data 00052 cmd = Twist() 00053 cmd.linear.x = data.axes[1] * self.drive_scale 00054 cmd.angular.z = data.axes[0] * self.turn_scale 00055 00056 if data.buttons[self.deadman_button] == 1: 00057 self.cmd = cmd 00058 elif data.buttons[self.planner_button] == 1: 00059 self.cmd = self.planned_motion 00060 else: 00061 self.cmd = None 00062 00063 if __name__ == "__main__": Teleop()