TomGine::tgEngine Member List
This is the complete list of members for
TomGine::tgEngine, including all inherited members.
Activate2D() | TomGine::tgEngine | |
Activate3D() | TomGine::tgEngine | |
DrawBackgroundImage() | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
DrawCoordinates() | TomGine::tgEngine | |
Get3DPointFrom2D(int x, int y) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
GetCamera0(tgCamera &cam) | TomGine::tgEngine | [inline] |
GetCameraPosition() | TomGine::tgEngine | [inline] |
GetNewPoint(vec3 &v) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
GetWireframeMode() | TomGine::tgEngine | [inline] |
InputControl(blortGLWindow::Event &event) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
LoadBackgroundImage(unsigned char *image_data, int width, int height, GLenum format=GL_RGB, bool flip=false) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
m_background_image | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_bfc | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_button_left | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_button_middle | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_button_right | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_cam | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_cam_ortho | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_camera | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_cor | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_far | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_flip_background_image | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_font | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_frametime | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_height | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_input_rotation_speed | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_input_translation_speed | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_input_zoom_speed | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_light0 | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_lighting | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_mouse_pos | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_near | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_show_background_image | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_smoothshading | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_timer | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_width | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_window | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
m_wireframe | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
p_pressed | TomGine::tgEngine | [private] |
PrintText2D(std::string text, vec2 pos, int size=16) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
PrintText3D(std::string text, vec3 pos, int size=16) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
SetCamera(tgCamera cam) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
SetCenterOfRotation(float x, float y, float z) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
SetInputRotationSpeed(float v) | TomGine::tgEngine | [inline] |
SetInputTranslationSpeed(float v) | TomGine::tgEngine | [inline] |
SetInputZoomSpeed(float v) | TomGine::tgEngine | [inline] |
SetSpeeds(float rotation, float translation, float zoom) | TomGine::tgEngine | [inline] |
Swap() | TomGine::tgEngine | |
tgEngine(unsigned width=640, unsigned height=480, float far=10.0f, float near=0.01f, const char *name="TomGine", bool bfc=false) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
UnloadBackgroundImage() | TomGine::tgEngine | |
Update() | TomGine::tgEngine | |
Update(float &fTime) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
Update(std::vector< blortGLWindow::Event > &eventlist) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
Update(float &fTime, std::vector< blortGLWindow::Event > &eventlist) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
UpdateCameraViews(tgCamera cam) | TomGine::tgEngine | |
Welcome() | TomGine::tgEngine | |
~tgEngine() | TomGine::tgEngine | |
Author(s): Michael Zillich,
Thomas Mörwald,
Johann Prankl,
Andreas Richtsfeld,
Bence Magyar (ROS version)
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 16:57:58 2013