vcstools documentation ====================== .. module:: vcstools .. moduleauthor:: Tully Foote , Thibault Kruse , Ken Conley The :mod:`vcstools` module provides a Python API for interacting with different version control systems (VCS/SCMs). The :class:`VcsClient` class provides an API for seamless interacting with Git, Mercurial (Hg), Bzr and SVN. The focus of the API is manipulating on-disk checkouts of source-controlled trees. Its main use is to support the `rosinstall` tool. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 vcsclient Example:: import vcstools # interrogate an existing tree client = vcstools.VcsClient('svn', '/path/to/checkout') print client.get_url() print client.get_version() print client.get_diff() # create a new tree client = vcstools.VcsClient('hg', '/path/to/new/checkout') client.checkout('') Installation ============ vcstools is available on pypi and can be installed via ``pip`` :: pip install vcstools or ``easy_install``: :: easy_install vcstools Using vcstools ============== The :mod:`vcstools` module is meant to be used as a normal Python module. After it has been installed, you can ``import`` it normally and do not need to declare as a ROS package dependency. Advanced: vcstools developers/contributors ======================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 developers_guide Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`