move_arm_msgs/MoveArmGoal Message

File: move_arm_msgs/MoveArmGoal.msg

# Service name to call for getting a motion plan
# Move arm will call a service on this service name 
# using the MotionPlanRequest specified here
string planner_service_name

# A motion planning request
motion_planning_msgs/MotionPlanRequest motion_plan_request

# Setting this flag to true will allow move_arm to accept plans that do not go all the way to the goal
bool accept_partial_plans

# Setting this flag to true will allow move_arm to accept invalid goals
# This is useful if you are using a planner like CHOMP along with a noisy rapidly changing collision map
# and you would like to plan to a goal near an object.
bool accept_invalid_goals

# Setting this flag to true will disable the call to IK for a pose goal
bool disable_ik

# Setting this flag to true will disable collision monitoring during execution of a trajectory
bool disable_collision_monitoring

Expanded Definition

string planner_service_name
motion_planning_msgs/MotionPlanRequest motion_plan_request
    motion_planning_msgs/WorkspaceParameters workspace_parameters
        geometric_shapes_msgs/Shape workspace_region_shape
            byte SPHERE=0
            byte BOX=1
            byte CYLINDER=2
            byte MESH=3
            byte type
            float64[] dimensions
            int32[] triangles
            geometry_msgs/Point[] vertices
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
        geometry_msgs/PoseStamped workspace_region_pose
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                geometry_msgs/Point position
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
                geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
                    float64 w
    motion_planning_msgs/RobotState start_state
        sensor_msgs/JointState joint_state
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            string[] name
            float64[] position
            float64[] velocity
            float64[] effort
        motion_planning_msgs/MultiDOFJointState multi_dof_joint_state
            time stamp
            string[] joint_names
            string[] frame_ids
            string[] child_frame_ids
            geometry_msgs/Pose[] poses
                geometry_msgs/Point position
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
                geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
                    float64 w
    motion_planning_msgs/Constraints goal_constraints
        motion_planning_msgs/JointConstraint[] joint_constraints
            string joint_name
            float64 position
            float64 tolerance_above
            float64 tolerance_below
            float64 weight
        motion_planning_msgs/PositionConstraint[] position_constraints
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            string link_name
            geometry_msgs/Point target_point_offset
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
            geometry_msgs/Point position
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
            geometric_shapes_msgs/Shape constraint_region_shape
                byte SPHERE=0
                byte BOX=1
                byte CYLINDER=2
                byte MESH=3
                byte type
                float64[] dimensions
                int32[] triangles
                geometry_msgs/Point[] vertices
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
            geometry_msgs/Quaternion constraint_region_orientation
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
                float64 w
            float64 weight
        motion_planning_msgs/OrientationConstraint[] orientation_constraints
            int32 LINK_FRAME=0
            int32 HEADER_FRAME=1
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            string link_name
            int32 type
            geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
                float64 w
            float64 absolute_roll_tolerance
            float64 absolute_pitch_tolerance
            float64 absolute_yaw_tolerance
            float64 weight
        motion_planning_msgs/VisibilityConstraint[] visibility_constraints
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            geometry_msgs/PointStamped target
                Header header
                    uint32 seq
                    time stamp
                    string frame_id
                geometry_msgs/Point point
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
            geometry_msgs/PoseStamped sensor_pose
                Header header
                    uint32 seq
                    time stamp
                    string frame_id
                geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                    geometry_msgs/Point position
                        float64 x
                        float64 y
                        float64 z
                    geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                        float64 x
                        float64 y
                        float64 z
                        float64 w
            float64 absolute_tolerance
    motion_planning_msgs/Constraints path_constraints
        motion_planning_msgs/JointConstraint[] joint_constraints
            string joint_name
            float64 position
            float64 tolerance_above
            float64 tolerance_below
            float64 weight
        motion_planning_msgs/PositionConstraint[] position_constraints
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            string link_name
            geometry_msgs/Point target_point_offset
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
            geometry_msgs/Point position
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
            geometric_shapes_msgs/Shape constraint_region_shape
                byte SPHERE=0
                byte BOX=1
                byte CYLINDER=2
                byte MESH=3
                byte type
                float64[] dimensions
                int32[] triangles
                geometry_msgs/Point[] vertices
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
            geometry_msgs/Quaternion constraint_region_orientation
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
                float64 w
            float64 weight
        motion_planning_msgs/OrientationConstraint[] orientation_constraints
            int32 LINK_FRAME=0
            int32 HEADER_FRAME=1
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            string link_name
            int32 type
            geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
                float64 w
            float64 absolute_roll_tolerance
            float64 absolute_pitch_tolerance
            float64 absolute_yaw_tolerance
            float64 weight
        motion_planning_msgs/VisibilityConstraint[] visibility_constraints
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            geometry_msgs/PointStamped target
                Header header
                    uint32 seq
                    time stamp
                    string frame_id
                geometry_msgs/Point point
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
            geometry_msgs/PoseStamped sensor_pose
                Header header
                    uint32 seq
                    time stamp
                    string frame_id
                geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                    geometry_msgs/Point position
                        float64 x
                        float64 y
                        float64 z
                    geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                        float64 x
                        float64 y
                        float64 z
                        float64 w
            float64 absolute_tolerance
    motion_planning_msgs/AllowedContactSpecification[] allowed_contacts
        string name
        geometric_shapes_msgs/Shape shape
            byte SPHERE=0
            byte BOX=1
            byte CYLINDER=2
            byte MESH=3
            byte type
            float64[] dimensions
            int32[] triangles
            geometry_msgs/Point[] vertices
                float64 x
                float64 y
                float64 z
        geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose_stamped
            Header header
                uint32 seq
                time stamp
                string frame_id
            geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                geometry_msgs/Point position
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
                geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
                    float64 x
                    float64 y
                    float64 z
                    float64 w
        string[] link_names
        float64 penetration_depth
    motion_planning_msgs/OrderedCollisionOperations ordered_collision_operations
        motion_planning_msgs/CollisionOperation[] collision_operations
            string COLLISION_SET_ALL="all"
            string COLLISION_SET_OBJECTS="objects"
            string COLLISION_SET_ATTACHED_OBJECTS="attached"
            int32 DISABLE=0
            int32 ENABLE=1
            string object1
            string object2
            float64 penetration_distance
            int32 operation
    motion_planning_msgs/LinkPadding[] link_padding
        string link_name
        float64 padding
    string planner_id
    string group_name
    int32 num_planning_attempts
    duration allowed_planning_time
    duration expected_path_duration
    duration expected_path_dt
bool accept_partial_plans
bool accept_invalid_goals
bool disable_ik
bool disable_collision_monitoring