SmoothCurve Member List

This is the complete list of members for SmoothCurve, including all inherited members.
bezierPoint(int i)SmoothCurve [private]
controlPointsSmoothCurve [private]
controlPointsCount() const SmoothCurve [private]
dataPointsSmoothCurve [private]
dataPointsCount() const SmoothCurve [private]
degreeSmoothCurve [private]
Delta(int i)SmoothCurve [private]
DeltaU(int i)SmoothCurve [private]
evaluatePoint(float time)SmoothCurve
getControlPoint(int index) const SmoothCurve [private]
getDataPoint(int index) const SmoothCurve [private]
getKnot(int index) const SmoothCurve [private]
knotCount() const SmoothCurve
SmoothCurve()SmoothCurve [inline]
SmoothCurve(const std::vector< Point2f > &ctrl, float starttheta, float startspeed, float endtheta, float endspeed, bool use_pats=true)SmoothCurve
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Author(s): David Li, Patrick Beeson, Bartley Gillen, Tarun Nimmagadda, Mickey Ristroph, Michael Quinlan, Jack O'Quin
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:53:08 2013