File: sbg_driver/SbgGpsPos.msg
Raw Message Definition
# SBG Ellipse Messages
Header header
# Time since sensor is powered up us
uint32 time_stamp
# GPS position fix and status bitmask
SbgGpsPosStatus status
# GPS Time of Week ms
uint32 gps_tow
# Latitude [degrees]; Positive is north of equator; negative is south
float64 latitude
# Longitude [degrees]; Positive is east of prime meridian; negative is west
float64 longitude
# Altitude [m]; Positive is above Mean Sea Level in meters
float64 altitude
# Altitude difference between the geoid and the Ellipsoid (WGS-84 Altitude - MSL Altitude)
# (Height above Ellipsoid = altitude + undulation)
float32 undulation
# Position accuracy (1 sigma) [m].
# In NED convention:
# x: North
# y: East
# z: Vertical
# In ENU convention:
# x: East
# y: North
# z: Vertical
geometry_msgs/Vector3 position_accuracy
# Number of space vehicles used in GNSS solution
uint8 num_sv_used
# ID of the DGPS/RTK base station in use
uint16 base_station_id
# Differential data age 0.01 s
uint16 diff_age
Compact Message Definition