Quickstart: C++

For this quick tutorial, we will be using the ik_minimal.cpp in the examples folder. This uses the lwr_simplified robot in the examples.

Running Example Code

To run this code and start producing motion plans, start roscore then run:

rosrun exotica_examples example_cpp_ik_minimal

Expected output

Running the code will produce a result similar to the following in the terminal:

Publishing IK

Finished solving in 0.000280003s Solution [ -6.18621023e-15  -9.09070542e-02  -8.66069432e-15   9.26337047e-02 -1.44344905e-14  -1.00000000e-01   0.00000000e+00]

Finished solving in 0.000178323s Solution [-0.01107742 -0.07860809  0.0059596   0.1926337   0.00494248 -0.07840889 0.]


This displays the joint angles for each of the 7 joints on our example robot after the time it took to solve the problem.

Now that we have executed the example and seen the result, let’s look at what happening in the code. Here we are using the ik_minimal.cpp example. This is shown below:

#include <exotica_core/exotica_core.h>

using namespace exotica;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        MotionSolverPtr solver = XMLLoader::LoadSolver("{exotica_examples}/resources/configs/example_ik.xml");
        Eigen::MatrixXd solution;

        Timer timer;

        HIGHLIGHT("Finished solving in " << timer.getDuration() << "s. Solution [" << solution << "]");


Quick Solver Setup

After including the Exotica header file and setting the namespace, we enter the main function and instantiate a MotionSolverPtr:

MotionSolverPtr solver = XMLLoader::loadSolver("{exotica_examples}/resources/configs/example_ik.xml");

This sets up our motion planning solver and gets the problem ready to be solved. To the solver we assign the contents of an XML file, which is parsed by EXOTica.

Quick XML Initialization

The XML file from which the parser loads is included in the exotica_examples folder. We can see a copy of it below:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<IKSolver Name="MySolver">

<UnconstrainedEndPoseProblem Name="MyProblem">


    <EffFrame Name="Position">
            <Frame Link="lwr_arm_6_link" LinkOffset="0 0 0 0.7071067811865476 -4.3297802811774664e-17  0.7071067811865475 4.3297802811774664e-17"/>

    <Task Task="Position"/>

    <StartState>0 0 0 0 0 0 0</StartState>
    <NominalState>0 0 0 0 0 0 0</NominalState>
    <W> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 </W>


We can alter the properties of the solver and the problem in their respective XML tags. Altering the StartState will change initial position of the edited joints, changing the motion plan.

Solving Motion Plan

After we have loaded the solver, we can solve the problem and display the result:


HIGHLIGHT("Finished solving in " << timer.getDuration() << "s. Solution [" << solution << "]");

solver is the name of the motion solver which we instantiated earlier. After creating it, solving is trivial; simply use solver->Solve(solution);, passing in the Eigen::MatrixXd solution;.

The output of the motion plan is stored in the matrix, which we can then print to the terminal. Since the XML specified an EndPose problem, the IKSolver computed a single robot configuration, returining a 1x7 matrix.